Subject ISC Error codes (REPOST)
Author Ryan Nilsson-Harding
Hi there,
I posted this question about a week ago, with no reply.
Just trying again incase it was missed.

I would like some clarification on the error codes if possible, as
the same error code is used to indicate:
1- that the file does not exist; and
2- that the file DOES exist (when trying to create it again)
as these are both I/O errors, and the I/O error code is 335544344.

I need to separate these two errors, so I have captured all error
codes and messages.
File does not exist err codes:

13130828 <--*

File already exists err codes:
13129584 <--*

I am assuming that the indicated codes (<--*) above are what
these two errors. Am I correct?
Can I merely look for the code on the third line of the err. codes
to determine which kind of I/O error?
Also, what does the '2' refer to?
And why is there an additional '2' in the 'not exist' err. codes?
Where can I find more info on these '3rd line' codes?

I know the error Messages clearly state these diffs, but I think
it's more efficient if I can determine this info from the codes.

Thanks for any information, and sorry for the many questions.