Subject Re: [ib-support] Panic with Date....
Author Svein Erling Tysvaer
Well, I think 0 is 30. December 1899. And 700000/365.25 is 1916,5 years. So
if you wanted to store the first of January at the start of our calendar
(year 1, around the time when Jesus was born) that would be something like
-692800. I guess that is what is going on, but I do not know why you would
want to store that date in your system.


At 14:59 16.09.2002 +0000, you wrote:
>Hi All,
>I was in panic!...
>For some strange thing my program (Delphi-IBX)
>write a value of -700000 to a Date field:
>(Control.Date hold -700000)
>All work, backup, restore, validation, but my apps,
>IBExpert, IBConsole and some other tools fail reading
>the table.....(Invalid data conversion)....
>Why FB accept this date value?
>Best Regards, Marco
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