Subject RE: [ib-support] Please help. View is empty, but the same SELECT works!
Author Alan McDonald
and this
>create view vDeps2(DepID, Descr) as
>select d.DepID, d.Bank Descr
>from DepRights r, departments d where r.DepID = d.DepID
>select d.DepID, d.Bank Descr
>from DepRights r, departments d where r.DepID = d.DepID
gives also empty view?
-----Original Message-----
From: Andrew Guts [mailto:andr@...]
Sent: Monday, 16 September 2002 22:50
Subject: Re: [ib-support] Please help. View is empty, but the same SELECT

Alan McDonald wrote:

>can you try these without the cast
>and with just a where instead of join
>to see what happens
>create view vDeps2(DepID, Descr) as
>select d.DepID, d.Bank||' '||d.AccountNo Descr
>from DepRights r, departments d where r.DepID = d.DepID
>select d.DepID, d.Bank||' '||d.AccountNo Descr
>from DepRights r, departments d where r.DepID = d.DepID
The same odd thing. View is still empty.

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