Subject RE: [ib-support] Please help. View is empty, but the same SELECT works!
Author Alan McDonald
TotalIn and TotalOut are not singleton result sets are they...?
That troubles me
and the cast (selects..) still need to resolve the tables rather than
leaving them to the join clause... no?
-----Original Message-----
From: Andrew Guts [mailto:andr@...]
Sent: Monday, 16 September 2002 22:25
Subject: Re: [ib-support] Please help. View is empty, but the same SELECT

Alan McDonald wrote:

>the second one is a copy of the view again - you sure you've given us the
>select onely code?
I'm sorry. Just copy beginning from "SELECT...":

> select d.DepID,
> cast(d.Bank||' '||d.AccountNo as varchar(64)) as Descr,
> cast(
> (select sum( from pays p where p.dstid = d.subjid
> p.depid = d.depid)
> as float) as TotalIn,
> cast(
> (select sum( from pays p where p.srcid = d.subjid
> p.depid = d.depid)
> as float) as TotalOut
> from DepRights r
> inner join departments d on r.DepID = d.DepID
> inner join employees e on r.SubjID = e.SubjID and e.Login = USER

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