Subject Re: [ib-support] Tool for Recreating indexes
> >>select 'set statistics index ' || rdb$index_name || ';'
> >>from rdb$indices
> >>
> >
> > Great, do you know perhaps why I can't execute this statement in a IB_Query ?
> > I get alway 'Field: not found'.
> >
> > Guido
> i guess what Martijn meant here (correct me if i'm wrong) was that this select
> returns a script as a result set, which you can pump line-by-line into a
> tib_script and execute that. (similar to what i suggested in the german ng)

Yes, I know. I meant, why can't execute 'select 'set statistics index ' ||
rdb$index_name || ';' from rdb$indices' not in a IB_Query.
