Subject Running on OS X 10.2
Author Lux

I got through the installation procedure on my tibook (after some fun
trying to install FB using the wrong shell. note to self: zsh, not
tcsh is the default shell on osx, I forgot since I use bash), but I
tried running isql and I'm getting the following errors:

dyld: /Library/Frameworks/Firebird.framework/Resources/bin/isql
Undefined symbols:
Firebird undefined reference to ___waddbytes expected to be defined in
Firebird undefined reference to _cbreak expected to be defined in
Firebird undefined reference to _echo expected to be defined in
Firebird undefined reference to _endwin expected to be defined in
Firebird undefined reference to _initscr expected to be defined in
Firebird undefined reference to _nocbreak expected to be defined in
Firebird undefined reference to _noecho expected to be defined in
Firebird undefined reference to _stdscr expected to be defined in
Firebird undefined reference to _wclear expected to be defined in
Firebird undefined reference to _wgetch expected to be defined in
/usr/liTrace/BPT trap

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!



John Luxford
Simian Systems
phone : 204.946.5955
email : lux@...
web :
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