Subject Re: Firebird 1
Author Alexander V.Nevsky
--- In ib-support@y..., Sandeep Chandra <sandeep@c...> wrote:
> I've just upgraded from Firebird beta 2 to Firebird 1. When I
try to
> backup the database I get following error
> gbak: ERROR: Implementation limit exceeded
> gbak: ERROR: block size exceeds implementation rest
> gbak: Exiting before completion due to errors
> Any suggestions?

Sandeep, if it is release build (794? 796?) most probably you have
chars (varchars) with size more than 32000 or expression with
concatenation which can result in such varchar. This check was
implemented in FB1 release and limit was enlarged to 65000 in one of
post-release builds (8xx), can't remember number exactly. Search for
such expressions in your SP/triggers. Check is based on defined
columns/variables (for varchars - max) size, not on their real contens
on execution. Personaly I think this is not fully correct.

Best regards, Alexander V.Nevsky.