Subject Re: [ib-support] Restoring problems
Author Theo Bebekis

I said there must be a trick in order to
restore a database using either IBConsole
or IBOConsole. And indeed there is.

The BackUp/Restore sub-menu is not visible
when right-clicking on to a not connected
database at the left tree-view.

So, if you have just a single database
registered only, there is no chance to
see it. And no way to restore the database.

The solution is to have at least two
databases registered, connect to the one
that you _do_not_want to restore and
then right click on it.

The rest is easy.

(I have to train some people, in the company
I work for, in doing Interbase back-ups and
restores using some tools.Hence the problem.
I choose those Consoles, instead of
gbak,because are easier to users not
accustomed to command line tools
and because of the total functions
they provide)

> BTW, usage -r option on restore is the direct way to have at hands
> only broken database and unrestorable backup one fine day. Some types
> of logical corruptions are detected only on restore phase and restore
> process terminates.

Do you mean by that that the -r option is

> You can't restore a backup, to an existing database, if there are any
> connections to that database at the time. Sounds like this is what's
> happening with your restore attempt.

I know that. But since the IB(O)Console displays
the Restore sub-menu on a connected database only
it is reasonable enough to assume that is
capable/prepared to handle the situation.
It seems it's not...

Best regards

Theo Bebekis
Thessaloniki, Greece
----- Original Message -----
From: "Theo Bebekis" <teo@...>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, September 09, 2002 11:38 AM
Subject: [ib-support] Restoring problems

> Hi
> Trying to restore a backuped database using either
> the IBConsole or the IBOConsole
> I get the error :
> "Database C:\SOME_FILE_NAME.GDB already exists.
> To replace it, use the -R switch"
> After setting the Overwrite option to True
> and trying again, I get the error:
> "Lock time-out on wait transaction
> object C:\SOME_FILE_NAME.GDB is in use
> could not drop database C:\SOME_FILE_NAME.GDB
> (database might be in use)"
> I suspect there must be a trick or
> something in order to accomplish a successful
> restore of my database using those tools.
> Any pointers?
> Regards
> Theo