Subject Re: [ib-support] PHPnuke table setup for Interbase/FB
Author Artur Anjos
Hi Andrew

I'm not using FB with PHP Nuke for now, but I know a few people in Brazil
that are working on that port. They have problems related to auto_increment
values, so they decide to start it with MySQL first, and do the port latter.

They are starting again now. I think it's a good time for you to join them
on this. Pls email me pvt and I will redirect you.


----- Original Message -----
From: "csswa" <csswa@...>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, September 06, 2002 6:28 PM
Subject: [ib-support] PHPnuke table setup for Interbase/FB

> I searched online for a PHPnuke 'nuke.sql' replacement for IB/FB, but
> nothing turned up. I can't be the first to try PHPnuke with
> Interbase?? -- in fact, I know I'm not because one of the few related
> items I did find was someone from a Brazil Interbase site (now
> defunct, apparently) who mentioned he going to run the site with
> PHPnuke.
> Anyway, to cut to the chase for fear of getting bumped to IB-tools,
> does anyone have a modified nuke.sql file for Interbase? (This is
> the file that creates the tables.) If not, I'm happy to retool the
> MySQL version packaged in the distro. However I'm still curious as
> to who else has tried PHPnuke + IB/FB since they added the db
> abstraction layer. Got to get IB/FB behind some kind of web CMS
> until Jim turns Netfrastructure loose as opensource (Gasp! Okay, yes,
> that's unlikely).
> Replies to csswa@... , thanks.
> -Andrew Ferguson