Author goodieauk
I have a clients database that has become corrupted.
It is an ODS 10 IB 6 database that was upgraded from an IB 5.6
database about a year ago.
I have tried all the things listed on the various IB sites and
newsgroups I know about.
I am getting the following error when trying to run gbak form the
command line:

C:\TEMP\AYSCOUGH>gbak -backup -v -ignore -garbage -limbo
corupttimes.gdb corupttimes.gbk
gbak: ERROR: database file appears corrupt ()
gbak: ERROR: wrong page type
gbak: ERROR: page 252690 is of wrong type (expected 3, found 5)
gbak: Exiting before completion due to errors

This I guess is telling me that the specified page is meant to be a
TIP page but it is reporting it as a Data page

Previous to this I have tried the following:
>gfix -v -full corupttimes.gdb
Summary of validation errors
Number of record level errors : 1
Number of transaction page errors : 2
Number of database page errors : 2
>gfix -mend -full -ignore corupttimes.gdb
Summary of validation errors
Number of record level errors : 1
Number of transaction page errors : 2
Number of database page errors : 2
>gfix -v -full corupttimes.gdb
Summary of validation errors
Number of record level errors : 1
Number of transaction page errors : 2
Number of database page errors : 2

If I can get gbak to attach to the database I then plan to back up
the metadata and create a new database file and then pump the data
into it.
Does anyone know what else I can try to attach to the database.