Subject RE: [ib-support] Urgent: Insufficient Disk Space
Author Don Gollahon
The reason we were anxious to go to Firebird 1.0 was to not have to mess
with multiple files. We are on NTFS in Windows 2000, I know it can go to
over 4 GB file size.

Oops!!! I just noticed something. This was running at one of our client
sites. Their file system is FAT32! Man! Why did they do that? We always
use NTFS.

I am very sorry about this. It is not Firebird's fault.

Please forgive. Boy, I feel dumb.

-----Original Message-----
From: Helen Borrie [mailto:helebor@...]
Sent: Wednesday, September 04, 2002 8:04 PM
Subject: RE: [ib-support] Urgent: Insufficient Disk Space

At 07:09 PM 04-09-02 -0500, you wrote:
>Sean, shouldn't the Version info from IBConsole say build 796? I installed
> Firebird-
>But in IBConsole it says is:
> "Version WI-V6.2.794 Firebird 1.0"

That's OK. It was a glitch in the installation program. You have the
right release version. If ibserver is stopping you at 4 Gb then just
believe it - the OS is telling it that it can't take any more.

>This is what we have at home and at work and it doesn't let the file size
>past 4 GB. I do have page size set to 8K. Should it be 16K? But if so,
>that will only double the size, right?

It would double the size of a database page. It doesn't affect the maximum
possible size of a file on your OS's filesystem.

>And I thought the size could go to terabytes.

Database size <> File size

Firebird is designed to be a multi-file database. Just split the database
and carry on.


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