Subject Re: [ib-support] Longevity of firebird / Interbase
Author Paul Schmidt
On 4 Sep 2002 at 16:02, M Patterson (Multinail) wrote:

> Hi,
> We ust had a strategy meeting with a consultant today. We've adopted
> firebird for out factory management system, and he was suggesting that
> because it is only little known we should find something with a more
> stable future.
> So, after the meeting I looked up the Powered by pages on the
> IBPhoenix site, and well, they don't seem to have changed much, and a
> number of the links were broken. Hmmm..
> But does any one have any stats about the uptake and support of
> firebird? And how big and active is the development team?

None of that really matters, what does is that you can obtain a copy of the source
code, track it via CVS, and if the Firebird project goes away, then simply hire a
decent C/C++ programmer to maintain it for you. If you go with a product like MS-
SQL, or Oracle, and the company goes out of business or drops the product, your
up the creek without a paddle or canoe :-) People may say that it's impossible for a
company the size of Microsoft or Oracle to disappear, but they used to say the
same thing about WorldCom and Enron. This is to say nothing about bugs, find a
bug in MS-SQL, and it means you wait six months to BUY an upgrade and hope
they fixed it. Find a bug in Firebird, post it here, and you will have a fix, often within
a few days.

Paul Schmidt, President
Tricat Technologies