Subject Firebird makes /tmp/core file, and it is HUGE
Author georgethenorge
I have FirebirdSS- running on RedHat Linux 7.1.

Every week or so I end up with a huge /tmp/core file, presumably some sort of core memory dump. Since /tmp seems to be a creation of FB, and FB is the only thing users are logging into on this particular Linux box, I can only conclude that this is being started by FB.

It seems to be initiated in conjunction with a user logging in.

I have managed to reduce the size of the /tmp/core file by changing an entry in /etc/profile: ulimit -S -c 10000, so at least it no longer takes the database server down due to lack of drive space.

I would, however, prefer a solution that nips the problem in the bud.

Ideas, anyone?

Thank you,

George Helmke