Subject Metadata security
Author alnufari
I have that database with many tables, triggers, SP, views. MyClient
is a Delphi application with IBX. Almost all of the work is done on
the server. I'll ask the same old question again. What is the best
way to protect my metadata? I Don't want any one, not even the
administrator to look at it. I might define a fictive admin in my
clients, change sysdba's password after install (using IBInstall then
IBSecurity) encrypte the password but I also need to protect the
metadata against an uninstall and reinstall (using the official
setup) of interbase. Is there any wawy to change some system data
information in my db so it can't show it's metadata to any one but
it's owner (creator)? My DB is not included in my package but created
from script at run time. Here I always encrypt the script so I have
no problem. The question is once the db is there!!!
I use IB 6, Should I expect something better from IB6.5 or FB?
Thanks for any Help