Subject JCA-JDBC driver, FirebirdSS 1.0 (Interbase), Tomcat 4.0.4, Red Hat Linux 7.3
Author benjohn villedo
hi there one and all,

Good Day!!!

i really don't know if this is the right place to ask
about my case anyhow allow me to rely on luck here who
knows someone out there might have encountered the
same situation i am in right now....

System Configuration:
JCA-JDBC driver, FirebirdSS 1.0 (Interbase), Tomcat
4.0.4, Red Hat Linux 7.3

i just can't seem to make Tomcat recognize the
JCA-JDBC driver

with the settings

db URL:
driver: org.firebirdsql.jdbc.FBDriver

unfortunately it seems that tomcat couldn't find the
said driver...

any advice would be appreciated.. thanks and more
power to all!!


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