Subject Re: [ib-support] Re: metadata extract/recreate script vs gbak backup/restore
Author Entrebytes S.L.
Maybe I'm completly wrong but seems to me that what you really have is a
network configuration problem.
If you are in linux , maybe you don't have the line localhost.localdomain localhost #substitute by
your local IP
in the /etc/hosts file
or alternatively , in windows , localhost localhost.localdomain
in the c:\windows\hosts

Seems to me that you are moving the database from one server to a new
server. is this correct ?
Anyway , a look at the interbase.log maybe of utility in the ascerning of
the problem.


Reality is just a very persistent ilusion.

Javier Rodríguez
EntreBytes S.L.
Ontenient , Spain
ERP Development.
----- Original Message -----
From: "pfyag" <pfyag@...>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, June 19, 2002 11:35 PM
Subject: [ib-support] Re: metadata extract/recreate script vs gbak

> --- In ib-support@y..., Aage Johansen <aagjohan@o...> wrote:
> > > I have a problem with a database:
> > > - gfix -v -full reports no problem
> > > - gbak can backup the database with or without data with no
> > > problems
> > > - gbak can't restore the database without the engine crashing
> > > (with or without data in the backup)
> > > ...
> >
> > Did you recently create a new field with a 'NOT NULL' constraint
> > without filling it with data? This may cause problems with
> > backup/restore, but maybe not the problems you have got.
> I don't think I did.. but would that problem also appear when only
> backing up/restoring metadata? As this also causes the engine to crash.
> > Can you restore when you deactivate indexes?
> Forgot to mention that I did test that and it still didn't work.
> > If you use VERBOSE mode you can see where the restore stops - does
> > that give you any clues?
> No clue at all, it crash just before going home:
> gbak: restoring index RDB$FOREIGN54
> gbak: ERROR: Unable to complete network request to host "localhost".
> gbak: ERROR: Error reading data from the connection.
> gbak: Exiting before completion due to errors
> RDB$FOREIGN54 being I believe the last index to restore. And when
> disabling indexes:
> gbak: creating indexes
> gbak: ERROR: Unable to complete network request to host "localhost".
> gbak: ERROR: Error reading data from the connection.
> gbak: Exiting before completion due to errors
> Confirming that it's after the index creation. (Those tests were done
> with metadata backup only, so the data should not be at fault.)
> And in interbase.log, there is only a line about bin/ibserver
> terminating abnormally (-1) and another about it being restarted.
> Nothing on the cause of the crash.
> Thanks,
> Patrice Fournier
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