Subject Re: [ib-support] Re: Slow connection..It's a bug......
Author Artur Anjos

> You don't see it with your particular setup and therefore you don't
> everyone else that does??? Come on!
No one refer that this was not a problem. It is, and we are trying to help.
What we do not believe is that IT'S A BUG in Firebird.

Your problem in XP is well documented in the Release Notes. Why we should
discuss it again? It's a Windows XP problem, well localized and documented.
Yes, you will have the problem with ISC4.gdb, as you can see in the release
notes, and yes, you can do something about it (as documented in the Release
Notes also).

Back to the problem: Have you already see this problem in NT 4 sp6? If so,
can you share with us the resolution?


----- Original Message -----
From: "Brad Pepers" <brad@...>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, June 11, 2002 8:01 PM
Subject: Re: [ib-support] Re: Slow connection..It's a bug......

> > I don't believe this "Slow connection...It's a bug..." thing. I've
> > **never** observed it, not in IB 5.6, not in IB 6.x, nor in any of the
> > Firebird builds. The issue I'm aware of with the IB local client on
> > Windows is that it's not thread-safe.
> >
> > Using the following setups I have sub-second connection speeds in all
> > with Firebird 1.0. The Windows server is NT SP 6a running on a slowish
> > Celeron (434 MHz, 384Mb), the Linux server is RedHat 7.2 on a 850Mhz AMD
> > Duron, 512 Mb.
> You don't see it with your particular setup and therefore you don't
> everyone else that does??? Come on!
> I too have seen this problem but it only effect my Windows XP system. I
> put it down to the whole .gdb filename suffix thing. People keep saying
> rename the database to some other suffix (I'm using .fdb) but won't the
> isc4.gdb file still be a problem? I don't know of a way to change its
> and every time a user logs in I would think the server is accessing that
> database for user info and having the .gdb problem.
> Change your server to Windows XP and then tell me you don't see the
> --
> Brad Pepers
> brad@...