Subject Re: Secondary File Deletion
Author cltan8
Thank you Martijn.

Tan Chin Leong
Junior Database Administrator
Chrysanth Software Sdn Bhd.

--- In ib-support@y..., "Martijn Tonies" <m.tonies@u...> wrote:
> Hi,
> > I am aware that gbak can be use to handle this
> > situation. But is there any way to handle it through
> > SQL ? FYI, I am creating a utility to handle database
> > secondary file using Delphi 6.0 Profesional. Creating
> > a secondary file is ok but the problem here is how to
> > delete it through SQL ? By using SQL statement, I can
> > wrapped it under a function to delete the secondary
> > file.
> Have you read the documentation? In ALTER DATABASE
> it says that you can ADD a database file, not delete it. So,
> no, this isn't possible.
> > btw Martijn Tonies, what do you mean by recycling
> > a file ? I tried to backup but couldn't backup the
> > database as the database is deleted via windows.
> I was referring to the Recycle Bin in Windows.
> > Yeap, I do agree too it is a bad idea to delete the
> > database via windows, but if this situation happens,
> > (might happen though because of "users"), any
> > solutions to get back the database ?
> Your users should _never_ have access to the database
> file. Protect it by using the OS file privileges.
> Martijn Tonies
> InterBase Workbench - the developer tool for InterBase and Firebird
> Upscene Productions
> "This is an object-oriented system.
> If we change anything, the users object."