Subject Firebird Server Breaks Down [??]
Hi to All.
I would appreciate very much any help or experience to solve the following

When I am trying to connect through internet to a firebird server through
the server breaks down -not always- without any notice. (the only log
message is error 10061).
The only way to restart the server is restart the computer as the service
can't be stopped
completely in order to be restarted.
I would like to know under what circumstances - eg "noise" in line, other
ip packets - the server
can break down.


- Both of machines run Windows2000 pro sp.2
- the internet connections are without static ip, i have to found the
address out each time, but fairly quick:
ping result are 110-120ms
- Firebird version is RC2 and the server machine is a "clear" one: the
windows have been just reinstalled on top
of formatted hd.
- The access program is made with Delphi 5 sp1 and IBX 4.63
- Also access is done through IP to hardlock protection key, installed also
to the same machine. In local connection
doesn't seem to be a problem.

Other Notes
The same behaviour exists also in other pair of connected computer:
NTServer4 sp.6 and Win2K client.
With IB_SQL (IBObjects) seems to can connect remotely and repeatedly without
any problem.
Also doesn't seems to exist any problem with a small test program made by me
also with IBX 4.63: asking one query each time works well.
So, the problem must (??) exist somewhere in heavier traffic or in a "hidden
weakness (sensibility)"

Please, any idea????

Thank's in advance for the time and the kindness of anybody who will answer.
(and sorry for my bad english)

Tasos Kyriakos,
Athens, Greece