Subject new to FB? Spend a few hours at!
Author csswa
--- In ib-support@y..., Doug Chamberlin <DChamberlin@A...> wrote:
> Is it just me or is Yahoo sending out repeat messages the past day
or so?
> For example, the data pump question was asked and answered two days
> Same with Dimitry's message on "Crossed Signals".

the data pump question was indeed answered, although I suspect it was
for another poster. The answer was -- a
ripper of a freeware data pump (thanks to those guys in sunny

Broadening the audience...

Advice to new FB users: visit and drill down
through as many links/menus as you can stand in one sitting. Then,
when you have recovered, go back for more. And again. And again.
Don't rush it; accept that it might take you a week to get aquainted
with the truckloads of information awaiting you there. It's worth
it. Pressed for time online? Then save the interesting webpages to
your harddrive for offline perusal. When your browser starts showing
80% of the links on each ibphoenix page as 'visited' then it's time
to head off, following the myriad links to other FB/IB resources...

And don't forget Google. "How do I get started doing ...?" Simple.
Get yourself started! Punch in an intelligent search string
like: 'firebird php linux'. People 'in the know' on groups like this
are more likely to answer specific questions about how-to's if you
show you've done the groundwork first.

Oh, and I'm a newbie too :-) (three months in).

Andrew Ferguson