Subject 5.6 & gstat info (API).
Author Jason Chapman (JAC2)
I know that everyone is pushing for FB1.x, so sorry for the distraction.

I have a client that has performance problems and it pretty much looks like
huge differences betweek oldest and next transaction. I recommended that
they ran "at" scheduler, running gstat once a day, parse the results and rip
this info out for analysis. As far as I am aware (and I have scoured the
ibase.h for 5.6), the programatic extraction of this was only made available
in 6.x FB0.x.

They want to run this more frequently (lets say every ten minutes), and want
to run it remotely - server manager does this, so they can't see why they

My Q is:
Is there a hidden / undocumented API for this in the 5.6 gds32.dll and if
so, has anyone plugged into it?

If yes, can I get hold of the code to get the four tx info, OT, OAT, OST,

Finally, do you think there are any risks in doing this, e.g. performance
hit etc.