Subject AW: [ib-support] User Management
Author Christian Gütter
Hi Riho-Rene,

> Thanks. That's useful information, but it means that I must modify
> system file - isc4.gdb
> When users already have IB installed and are using it for other
> applications i.e. bookkeeping software, I don't think they are happy
> with my app playing around with isc4

As far as I understand Ivan's solution, it won't affect any existing

The way he uses an before update trigger also ensures that a user is
able to modify his own password.

For me, this is a very good solution which can be applied within

The solution Martijn is talking about is a good idea too, but it seems
to me
you have got much more work to do.
After all, if you refuse to modify the ISC4.GDB, Martijns solution is
a very good way to achieve your aims.

