Subject Case sensitivity in WHERE clause (newbie question)
Author darryl_caillouet
I just started using Firebird yesterday. I'm familiar with SQL Server
and MySQL where filtering data using a WHERE clause is not case

In SQL Server, if I run:
SELECT LastName FROM Employee WHERE LastName = 'Caillouet';

It would return 'CAILLOUET', 'caillouet', 'Caillouet', 'CaIlLoUeT', etc.

Firebird is only returning the case-sensitive match of 'Caillouet'.

In some case-sensitive databases, you can cast the search fields to
upper or lower case to make the search case-insensitve:

SELECT * FROM Employee WHERE UCASE(LastName) = UCASE('Caillouet');

I could not figure out how to do something like this. I thought maybe
it could depend on what character set I created the database with. I
found the list of different character sets but there was no
explanation of which would be the proper one to choose (if in fact
this is the solution to my problem).

Anyway, I've gotten tired of looking through documentation to find the
answer so I thought I would ask the gurus.
