Subject Re: [ib-support] Do we need something more that GDS32.DLL on the client side?
Author Phil Shrimpton
On Wednesday 13 November 2002 00:52, you wrote:


> Fingerman posted a very interesting way of using gds32.dll on IBO
> newsgroup, and now we have some doubts: do we really need the messages file
> (interbase.msg) or not?

No. If it is not there, the error message you get will be less than
descriptive, but if your app is handling exceptions properly the user should
never see 'pure' Firebird exceptions, just (hopefully) 'User friendly' ones
produced by your app.

For client apps all we do is include gds32.dll and put it in the application
directory, that way we can have multiple apps using different versions of
FB/IB on the same machine.


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