Subject Re: [ib-support] Case insensitive order by?
Author Helen Borrie
At 11:47 AM 22-01-02 -0700, Jason Frey wrote:

>Ehh.. Not so good when your table has the possibility of having 120k

120K records in a listbox? Sheesh!

>I also remember seeing someone (Forgive me, I don't recall who) say that the
>way they get around this was to create another column in the table to hold
>the uppercase value of whatever they're interested in sorting by, index on
>that column, and do searching against that column. After thinking about,
>assuming that my understanding of upper is correct (That it doesn't use
>indexes when doing upper()), that would seem to be a better solution for
>this issue, in terms of performance (Though performance is still not going
>to be great in my large databases, from my experience.

Table-oriented GUIs applications are slow on client/server databases, even quite small ones.

>Maybe my experience
>is flawed, I'm not sure) than allowing an upper on the order by clause.

FB/IB don't support indexes on are going to stump any query that does an order by on unindexed columns (which is what any expression-derived column will be). For lookups of < 200 rows, it won't be a grave issue. On 120K rows it will be.

>I guess I'm wondering how others have overcome case insensitive searching
>(as it seems that many people would have had to). I'd rather not re-invent
>the wheel if I don't have to. :)

By using indexed proxy search columns, populated by triggers. You might be interested in researching out metaphone and soundex if strict alphabetical order is not essential.


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