Subject JDBC connect fails

we are connecting to an open source Interbase 6.0 database using JDBC (Interclient
1.6). On some systems we are encountering problems. Especially on US Windows
Me systems this occurs. On other operation systems (Win9x, WinNT, Win2K)
and on german Windows Me it works ok, so it has to be a configuration problem.

Calling DiagTool on this plattform we receive a SQL Exception with SQL State
ICJH1 saying "Your security manager does not allow socket connections to
localhost on interserver port". The reference BadInstallationException in
the API reference explains that for some reason the security manager on
the server (on the same system => localhost) rejects a connection. But it
is not said, how it can be solved.

Another hint in the borland FAQ suggests to remove interclient.jar out of
the classpath and to let it be downloaded from the server. The problem is
that our application does not work with internet browsers as frontend but
with Delphi, so we have no other choice.

Unfortunaly we are currently using JDK 1.1.8, so the class SocketPermisson
does not exists.

Does anyone came across the same problem and has solved it some how.

Any help or hint appreciated,


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