Subject Re: [ib-support] Re: win98 firebird connections
> Your third way, using ip addresses instead of names is interesting.
> I must say that I do get confused about 'server' and 'machine name'
> are they the same thing. If my machines are PC1 and PC2 is that name
> of the server 'PC2' ?? I have supposed so.

'server' is the 'machine name' of the machine you are trying
to talk to. So that 'PC2:c:\data.gdb' will use TCP/IP
protocol to access data on PC2. You WILL also be able to use
this on PC2 itself, so that it uses the TCP/IP port into
Firebird, rather than a local connection. Does that work?

> Does it matter that firebird is on a different disc from c: ? (It is
> installed on E:) although the database is on C:\

As long as Firebird is running it does not matter where it
is installed. The only thing that the connection string must
'conform' to is to use a real hard disk number.

> I have removed dial-up on one machine..I could not be writing this if
> I had removed it on both !!

The usual problem here is that trying to access the remote
machine from one with dial-up access gives you the autodial
responce even if you think that this is a local access. One
of my customers has to hit cancel every time he makes a
connection to the local server. But at least something

Lester Caine
L.S.Caine Electronic Services