Subject Re: [ib-support] Select First x skip y question
Author Tomas MichalĂ­k
Hi Lou,

AFAIK this is already changed in the sources (skip 5 will return 6th
row), should be available in the next beta.


P.S. You can read about it in sourceforge-firebird.devel at ...

Lou Feliz wrote:
> Select first 5 skip 5 * from table
> Result returns rows 5 to 9, not 6 to 10 as I expected.
> Is this the normal behaviour? It is not a problem, sometimes nice to
> know the last record in prior fetch is the first in the next set.
> - Lou


Tomas Michalik
ProCA, s. r. o.
V Luzich 818, Praha 4
Czech Republic

e-mail: michalik@...
tel: +420 2 67283446