Subject Re: [ib-support] IB6 BUG #221589: numeric fields and mathematical operations
Author Svein Erling Tysvær
This is due to IB rounding intermediate values, and is actually visible even if you reduce your
statement to

SELECT 10.5/100 FROM rdb$database, which gives 0.1 as the result.

To get the correct result, you could simply change this statement to

SELECT 10.5/100.00 FROM rdb$database, which will give you the correct number of decimals (0.105).


lobolo2000 wrote:

> This closed bug relates partially to the following:
> --------------------------------------------------------
> in dialect 1 and 3
> select field1*(1-field2/100) from mytable
> where:
> field1 numeric(9,2) value -> 10
> field2 numeric(9,2) value -> 10.5
> the result is: 9 instead of: 8.95
> Possible explanation:
> Since values are numeric(9,2), then
> field2/100 is 0.10 because they are exact numerics.
> Hence, 10*(1-0.10)=10*0.9 = 9 as IB answered.
> -------------------------------------------------------
> Is it true that IB6 (and FB) output 9 as result?
> I tried it and got 8.95, and hope that the explanation
> given is not true due to its implication that exact numerics
> are not suitable for most cases.
> Can anybody comment on this pls?
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