Subject Re: [ib-support] Domains
Author Tumelis Giedrius IF 5/1
On Mon, 7 May 2001, Ann W. Harrison wrote:

> At 01:41 AM 5/7/2001 -0300, Andrew S. Vaz wrote:
> >Hi all,
> >
> >... I noticed almost a
> >thousand domains that were created, I presume one for each field.
> >
> >How does the amount of domains have a significant impact on the speed of
> >Interbase?
> Not at all.
> >Is it better to define all the possible domains and use them repeatedly in
> >order to optimize speed?
The most useful feature of domains for me is using the same domains for
the key attributes that relays diferent tables. In order to change key
attribute type you need only change its domain type.
Other useful feature is checking attribute value before it is inserted or

When Interbase automaticaly creates domains for your attribute's types
they has no useful features, not as when you create them yourself.