Subject Re: [ib-support] How to do CTRL characters in an IB string literal?
Author Helen Borrie
I dunno whether this adds anything to it, but at one time long ago I was setting up a number of formats in a table for outputting to external files. I posted a question on the mers list which Bill Karwin answered, and it worked.

My question was: how can I get Carriage Return and Line Feed into the last two 1-byte columns of my table?

Bill answered that the only way he knew was to cut and paste the actual characters from a text file format that could display them. (Used to be Ctrl-M and Ctrl-J on the old DOS keyboards). I seem to recall that one way to "print" them so that they could be copied was to create an rtf file in Word with all the non-printable characters turned on and actually type Ctrl-M and Ctrl-J. I think they need a space between them in Word to prevent it from converting the two bytes to Ctrl-T (¶). (btw, I got that character by typing Alt-20...doesn't seem to work for Alt-13 (?) or Alt-10 (?) in my mail client though.)


At 10:40 AM 02-05-01 -0400, you wrote:
>At 09:28 PM 5/1/2001 -0700, Jason Wharton wrote:
> >Ann, you misunderstood what I am getting at.
>Perhaps, but I don't think so.
> >In Delphi source code the actual presence of a CTRL-M (line feed) is
> >considered white space by the compiler. Therefore, if you want to add a CRLF
> >to a string so that the string contains those characters you type it like
> >this:
> >
> > MyDelphiString := 'some text'#13#10;
>Yes. and that requires knowing that a) a string value is not necessarily
>terminated by the quotation marks around it, and b) that the hash mark
>is an escape character that precedes numeric characters that should be
>interpreted as their integer value. C has something similar, but it
>goes within the quotes.
>However, SQL (to the best of my knowledge) does not. I am loath to
>plunge into that particular quagmire without some clue how other
>systems handle the problem.
>We have answers.
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