Subject Where is the last version of interclient ?

I've download the trial version of Interbase 6.01 and it comes with
the 2.1.5 version of interclient.

InterClient Release: 2.1.5, Client/Server Edition
InterClient compatible JRE versions: 1.3
InterClient compatible IB versions: 5, 6
InterClient driver name: interbase.interclient.Driver
InterClient JDBC protocol: jdbc:interbase:
InterClient JDBC protocol version: 20105
InterClient expiration date: 30-dic-10

Now we are working with interclient (2.0.1 version) and we get errors
everyday, and we
need a newer version. Where can I find a FREE build of the last
version of interclient?
(The 2.1.5 version that comes with Interbase 6.01 is not free)

Our configuration is: Interclient 2.01 with Interbase 6.01 on Linux
Hat 7 with Tomcat 3.2.1 and JDK 1.2.2.

I've been using Interbase with Delphi and I was very happy with it,
but with interclient we get too many errors. If I can't find a
solution for the interclient errors, I will choose other data base.

Thanks in advance.