Subject RE: [ib-support] IB for NetWare & Win2000 IPX/SPX
Author David R. Robinson
>> If the client is running Win9x, 3.1, NT 3.51 or NT4 then everything
is OK, but if the client is running Win2K it bungs up? If I assume
this is correct, then it's an incompatability some where.


>> Can I make the assumption, that the Win2K clients see the Netware
server, and can do anything except access the BDE stuff. Then it's
either that BDE or the IB client is the problem.

It isn't the IB Client. ISQL and Database Manager work fine.

>> 1) Put a Linux box running IB6 or Firebird into the server rack, with
a DHCP server running, no fuss, no muss TCP/IP, client machines get
their IP address from the server, assigned from the 192.168.x.x
blocks, these addresses can not be used to access the internet, and
the internet can't find them either. If the client at some future
date wants Internet Access, a firewall and NAT server can be
installed. The client uses Netware and IPX/SPX for everything else,
such a dual protocol network runs fine for me, here. You avoid the
IPX protocol for IB completely, and many of the other problems as

Good idea, I'll pass that along to support as a suggestion. I didn't think
about the 192.168.x.x not being accessible from outside.

>> 2) If the app is purely IB based, TRY IBObjects (
as the database interface, it doesn't use the BDE. This would fix a
BDE vs Win2K problem, it can be a big project to port the app though.

Nope, we support Oracle, Sybase, MS SQL Server, Informix, and InterBase.
dbExpress is looking like a possibility once D6 comes out, but that isn't
going to help us for about 9-12 months as converting from BDE to dbExpress
isn't going to be trivial.

>> 3) Try a different IB Client, your either using a 5.6 client that
doesn't like Win2K, or your using a 6.0 client that doesn't like the
5.6 server. Try a different client, if your using 5.6 try the 6.0
client or Firebird Client, if your using the 6.0 client, try the 5.6
NT client or Firebird Client. One of these might work better.

Good idea. We'll try that as well.

>> If one of the above three doesn't help, then there is nothing else I can
think of.
>> Paul Schmidt

Those were some good suggestions. Thanks Paul.

David R.