Subject R: [ib-support] SUM( TIME FIELD )
Author Arnaldo
----- Original Message -----
From: Ann Harrison <aharrison@...>
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, February 10, 2001 6:03 PM
Subject: Re: [ib-support] SUM( TIME FIELD )

> At 01:55 PM 2/10/2001 +0000, apatri@... wrote:
> >I'm trying to summarize a TIME FIELD.
> >
> >I do:
> >Select SUM( TIMEFIELD ), but cannot find a result.
> >Can anybody help???
> Forgive me for asking, but what sort of result did you
> expect? The query sounds like
> select avg (first_name) from employees

Thanks for the reply, but....
Let Me explain better:

I have a field in which i store a difference from two fields.
So in this field I have: 7.30
in the second field : 8.30
These are the hours they have worked.
Now I MUST SUM all the Working Hours of this field.
so this two values must give 16.00 working hours.


> Regards,
> Ann
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