Subject Re: [ib-support] Crash recovery test ! Keep reading...
Author Paul Reeves
"Leyne, Sean" wrote:
> In the first case, IB recovery system was 100% in almost all cases .
> Only
> in 1 situation an error was found : While updating 300,000 records with
> forced write ON, after killing the process and trying to connect to the
> database again, the connection was accepted and NO error message was
> reported, but when the user tried to access the table that was being
> updated the system freezed.

Did they say how long they waited for the 'system' to unfreeze? My first
thought is that the attempt to open the 300,000 row table caused the engine to
clean out back record versions that had not been committed. That can be quite
lengthy on a table of that size.

You/they didn't say whether the tests were against Classic or Superserver, or
which version - 4, 5 or 6. Version 6 Super server ought not to have the
'cleanup' problem (at least, one of the SS features is that a separate thread
will do this.) But v6 Classic will behave in the way described above.

Also, system freezing can mean a multitude of things - from the interbase server
process(es) to the kernel locking up, via the current terminal appearing to die.


Paul Reeves
taking InterBase further