Subject Re: [firebird-python] fbclient.dll version conflict
Author Pavel Cisar
Werner F. Bruhin napsal(a):

> That is strange, I am using Kinterbasdb 3.3 and when I put a
> fbclient.dll into windows/system32 it is found and loaded, even so I
> have one in my application folder which is also set as the cwd.
> BTW, my application is frozen using py2exe and therefore kinterbasdb is
> in "whatever install folder/prog/lib/", where the frozen exe
> is in "whatever install folder/prog/", and the later is the working folder.
> Could it be that the frozen folder structure is an issue?
> What would be your recommendation to deal with this?

I'm no expert in dealing with zipped packages (special import machinery
is still a black magic for me), but yes, it's the prime suspect. You may
try to put few debug messages into KInterbasDB that imports
the client library to see where it is actually searched in this special
case. It might give us a clue how to "fix" that.

best regards
Pavel Cisar