Subject Re: [firebird-python] fbclient.dll version conflict
Author Pavel Cisar
Werner F. Bruhin napsal(a):
> A client of mine run into a version conflict with fbclient.dll.
> I use the embedded version of FB and fbclient.dll (v2) is installed
> in my application folder, another application installed FB server and
> put an copy of fbclient.dll (v1.5) into "windows/system32".
> Is there a way to pass to kinterbasdb an absolute path to force it to
> load the copy in the the application folder?
> I guess I could play around with the system path on Windows, but I do
> not much like idea and would prefer to find another solution to
> ensure that my application loads the 'dll' I provide with it.
> Any hints would be very much appreciated.

if you're using KInterbasDB 3.2 and newer, then it should find and load
the "embedded" fbclient.dll if you'll put it to any from next locations:

1) current working directory
2) kinterbasdb installation directory
3) "embedded" subdirectory of kinterbasdb installation folder
4) directory of Python executable

if you want to add another location, take a look on of
kinterbasdb package and insert it to list of search directories (lines

best regards
Pavel Cisar