Subject Re: [firebird-php] php 7.3 ibase_connect bug #72175
Zitat von "Lester Caine lester@... [firebird-php]"

> On 30/12/2018 14:34, tonne1@... [firebird-php] wrote:
>> I'm happy to test bugfixes. ibase_connect has worked until php 7.0.3.
> Are you sure on that? I thought the problem predated even that,

I went from php 5.4 straight to 7.3, but several commentators in confirmed that the bug did not
exist in php 5.6 and was introduced with 7.0.3. One commentator
claimed that 7.0.0 was still ok. If it helps with bugfixing, I can
setup some xampp environments to verify exactly which was the last
working version, starting from 7.0.0.

> but personally I only use a singleton connection to each database so
> don't see the problem myself.

It is easy to reproduce, just use one of my code snippets.

Regardless of other issues which might be involved here, like garbage
collection, ibase_connect must not invalidate any other resource.
Actually no function should have such side-effects, plus unlimited in

Lets say you want to monitor a query using the $mon-tables. You just
can't if ibase_connect kills your initial connection.
