Subject FLAP (FirebirdSS-2.1.2+CentOS-5.3+Apache-2.2.3+PHP-5.3)
Author lee_domain
Hi, all of you,

the bird-watchers and bird-lovers ( and bird-catchers ?)
wondering between clouds and ground.

I have just tested FirebirdSS-2.1.2 with PHP-5.3
It works, and works well.

Most cheerful for me is that it seems having
overcome the numeric/decimal difficulties
which have been trapping PHP a long time.

Following is the script to do this test:


echo "
Following is a PHP script to test the FirebirdSS-2.1.2 <br>
to see if the decimal function has been improved on PHP-5.3.<br>
Folowing functions require that the database is on the connection <br>
Here is it, test it, and expecting your reply. <br> " ;

// Global Variables

// set this var to 1 will set a silent mode
$tmpsilent = 0;

// 1) connect to a database server
$srv_db = 'localhost:/home/ltm/employee.fdb';
$usrname = 'sysdba';
$pswd = 'masterkey';

echo "<br> trying to connect the database...<br>" ;
// get and report connection result
$conn = fbird_connect($srv_db, $usrname, $pswd);
if (!$conn ) {
echo "database connection failed <br>";

echo "database connection OK <br><br>";

// create a new table for testing
d1 decimal(4,2),
d2 decimal(6,3),
d3 decimal(8,4),
d4 decimal(10,5),
d5 decimal(14,7),
d6 decimal(16,8),
dd double precision,
df float)";

if ( $tmpsilent == 0)
echo $sql."<br>";

// process the query to retrieve the table
$res = fbird_query($conn, $sql);
if ( res == TRUE )
echo "create table OK"."<br><br>" ;
if ( res == FALSE )
echo "create table failed"."<br><br>" ;

$sql_up = "insert into PHP53 (d1,d2,d3,d4,d5,d6,dd,df) values (
12.52, 918.812, 1234.8765, 54321.06789,6543210.1234567,
87654321.01234567, 1234.5678, 1234.56) ";

if ( $tmpsilent == 0)
echo $sql_up."<br>";

// process the query to insert testing data into the table
$res1 = fbird_query($conn, $sql_up);
if ( $res1 >= 1 )
echo "insert table OK"."<br><br>" ;
echo "insert table failed"."<br><br>" ;

echo "select * from PHP53"."<br><br>";
// process the query to retrieve the data
$res2 = fbird_query($conn, "select * from PHP53");
while ( $row = fbird_fetch_object($res2) )
$d1 = "D1"; //
$d1_rtn = ($row->$d1);
echo "<br> 12.52 = : ".$d1_rtn."<br>";

$d2 = "D2"; //
$d2_rtn = trim($row->$d2);
echo "<br> 918.812 = : ".$d2_rtn."<br>";

$d3 = "D3"; //
$d3_rtn = trim($row->$d3);
echo "<br> 1234.8765 = : ".$d3_rtn."<br>";

$d4 = "D4"; //
$d4_rtn = trim($row->$d4);
echo "<br> 54321.06789 = : ".$d4_rtn."<br>";

$d5 = "D5"; //
$d5_rtn = trim($row->$d5);
echo "<br> 6543210.1234567 = : ".$d5_rtn."<br>";

$d6 = "D6"; //
$d6_rtn = trim($row->$d6);
echo "<br> 87654321.01234567 = : ".$d6_rtn."<br>";

$d7 = "DD"; //
$d7_rtn = trim($row->$d7);
echo "<br> 1234.5678 = : ".$d7_rtn."<br>";

$d8 = "DF"; //
$d8_rtn = trim($row->$d8);
echo "<br> 1234.56 = : ".$d8_rtn."<br>";


// relaese the results

// drop the newly ctreated table
echo "<br> DROP TABLE PHP53 <br>";

// process the query to drop the table
$res3 = fbird_query($conn, "DROP TABLE PHP53");
if ( $res3 == TRUE )
echo "drop table OK"."<br>" ;
if ( $res3 == FALSE )
echo "drop table failed"."<br>" ;


// release the results

// close the connected database, and report result
$closedb = fbird_close($conn);
if ($closedb == 1)
echo "<br> disconnect from database OK ! <br>";
} else {
echo "<br> disconnect from database failed ! <br>";


I really hope you can also test it to see if the result is correct.
There is also a graphic prove.

That's all for now.
