Subject Re: Any problem using PHP4.4.x, apache 1.x.x, firebird 1.5.x?
Author junkers109
Thanks Jiri, that worked for me.

It's October 2009. Your post was in 2006 (if I recall correctly). One would figure something like this would have been taken care of by the Firebird folks by now. ;)

--- In, Jiri Cincura <diskuze@...> wrote:
> On 2.3.2006 1:05 willowdan2004 wrote:
> > Couldnt connect to database!: Unable to complete network request to
> > host "localhost". Failed to locate host machine. Undefined service
> > gds_db/tcp.
> >
> Add into %windir%\system32\drivers\etc\services line like this:
> gds_db 3050/tcp fb #Firebird
> and restart Apache&PHP.
> --
> Jiri Cincura