Subject Firebird support from lsces
Author Lester Caine
In Firebird Foundation has decided in their infinite wisdom that I am no
longer entitled to an Honorary Membership. Despite this kick in the teeth I
will continue to supply for the PHP side of Firebird. The ibWebAdmin demo site
and the data archive will continue to be provided and at the present time I am
still a moderator on the PHP list ( amongst other Firebird lists ) but not now
being a member of the Foundation, I can't remain on the Committee so others
will have to ensure that PHP's needs are still supported.

I would still like to at least get started on our own sub-project to bring the
PHP Interbase driver up to a dedicated Firebird driver, and I suspect that we
should also at least make the PDO-Firebird driver functional - even if it is a
backwards step.

Finally - bitweaver Release 2 should be out shortly. This is fully functional
with Firebird even down to creating am empty database from the installer. The
main point of change from the R1 builds is that double quoted table and field
names have been completely dropped, and any new packages will be required to
follow that rule. The Firebird wiki has been running on R2 for a while but I
do not know what will happen to that now :(

Lester Caine - G8HFL
Contact -
L.S.Caine Electronic Services -
Firebird Foundation Inc. -