Subject Re: Problem creating tables
Author sc_odo
Hello again,
Alan, your question about committing transactions after every
statement was a good one.
I added some code to start & commit transactions in each loop and
tried again. Now I'm getting a warning from ibase_commit starting
after the 9th table that was successfully created:
ibase_commit(): unsuccessful metadata update new record size of 96124
bytes is too big TABLE KASSA_0 in
/srv/projects/adodb/drivers/ on line 154

What I don't understand is why the creation of the table doesn't
return an error.
Does this warning mean that this table has too many fields or does the
field size exceed maximum size?

How can I get rid of this problem?

Thanks in advance


--- In, "sc_odo" <sc_odo@...> wrote:
> Thanks Alan,
> OK, to make it simple, here is the part of my script that creates the
> tables. The data is inserted by another function after that.
> function create_tables($conn_arr, $tab_arr, $drvs){
> include(_MMODDIR_."/lang/main.".DLANG.".php");
> include(_LANGDIR_."/install.".DLANG.".php");
> $db = @ADONewConnection("firebird");
> $db->debug = true;
> $msg = "";
> if(!is_object($db))
> return array(-1, "<h5 style='color:
> #FF3300;'>".str_replace("###DBMS###", $drvs[$conn_arr["dbms"]],
> $inst_err[23])."</h5>");
> $msg .= "<h5 style='color: #006600;'>".str_replace("###DBMS###",
> $drvs[$conn_arr["dbms"]], $inst_msg[10])."</h5>";
> if(empty($conn_arr["db_user"])){
> $msg .= "<h5 style='color: #FF3300;'>".$inst_err[24]."</h5>";
> return array(-1, $msg);
> }
> $msg = str_replace(array("###DBUSER###", "###DBNAME###"),
> array($conn_arr["db_user"], $conn_arr["db_name"]), $inst_msg[11]);
> $msg .= "<h5>$msg</h5>";
> $conn = @$db->NConnect("localhost".$conn_arr["cn_port"],
> $conn_arr["db_user"], $conn_arr["db_pass"], $conn_arr["db_name"]);
> if($conn != 1){
> $msg .= "<h5 style='color: #FF3300;'>".$inst_err[25]."</h5>";
> $e = get_error($db);
> if(!empty($e))
> $msg .= "<div style='max-width:500px; background-color:
> #FF3300; color: #FFEB0C;'>$e</div>";
> if(@$db->IsConnected())
> @$db->Close();
> return array(-1, $msg);
> }
> if(!is_array($tab_arr) || empty($tab_arr)){
> $msg .= "<h5 style='color: #FF3300;'>".$inst_err[26]."</h5>";
> if(@$db->IsConnected())
> @$db->Close();
> return array(-1, $msg);
> }
> $dict = @NewDataDictionary($db, "firebird");
> if(!$dict)
> return array(-1, "<h5 style='color:
> #FF3300;'>".$inst_err[27]."</h5>");
> foreach($tab_arr as $c => $tab){
> $r_tabs = array();
> $r_tabs = @$dict->CreateTableSQL($tab["tab_name"], $tab["cols"],
> $tab["tab_opts"]);
> if(!is_array($r_tabs) || empty($r_tabs)){
> $msg .= "<h5 style='color:
> #FF3300;'>".str_replace("###TABNAME###", $tab["tab_name"],
> $inst_err[28])."</h5>";
> $e = get_error($db);
> if(!empty($e))
> $msg .= "<div style='max-width:500px; background-color:
> #FF3300; color: #FFEB0C;'>$e</div>";
> if(@$db->IsConnected())
> @$db->Close();
> return array(-1, $msg);
> }
> $res = @$dict->ExecuteSQLArray($r_tabs, false);
> if($res != 2){
> $msg .= "<h5 style='color:
> #FF3300;'>".str_replace("###TABNAME###", $tab["tab_name"],
> $inst_err[28])."</h5>";
> $e = get_error($db);
> if(!empty($e))
> $msg .= "<div style='max-width:500px; background-color:
> #FF3300; color: #FFEB0C;'>$e</div>";
> if(@$db->IsConnected())
> @$db->Close();
> return array(-1, $msg);
> }
> }
> $msg .= "<h5 style='color: #006600;'>".$inst_mag[12]."</h5>";
> if(@$db->IsConnected())
> @$db->Close();
> return array(1, $msg);
> }
> OK, this ist it. The function recieves an array of table definitions
> in ADODBs specific format. CreateTableSQL() converts the definitions
> to regular SQL statements and ExecuteSQLArray() executes the statements.
> Thanks in advance
> Best regards
> Ralf
> --- In, "Alan McDonald" <alan@> wrote:
> >
> > >
> > > Hello all,
> > > I have a problem creating tables from a php script. I'm using FB SS
> > > 1.5.3 on Suse 9.1.
> > > The script should create a database with around 30 tables. To do
> > > I use ADODB datadict. In case something goes wrong, the database
> > > should be deleted.
> > > Creation of the database works fine. The creation of the tables
> > > It just creates around 5 tables but the script returns success
code on
> > > the creation of all tables. After the creation of the tables some
> > > grants and some data should be inserted, and this fails. Because of
> > > this failure the script now should drop the database, which doesn't
> > > work any more, isql returns -901 -object <database> is in use. This
> > > even remains after minutes or hours of waiting. The only way to get
> > > dropping to work is restarting the firebird server. There are no
> > > clients connected to the server.
> > > It seems that the server is still caught in the process of creating
> > > the tables.
> > >
> > > Any ideas where the problem could come from?
> > >
> > > Best regards
> > >
> > > Ralf
> >
> > are you specifically committing the transaction(s)?
> > do you commit the transaction after table creation and before data
> > insertion? then start another transaction?
> > do you use connect() or pconnect()?
> > do you specifically close the connection?
> > maybe we should see the script
> > Alan
> >