Subject RE: [firebird-php] HELP!!!!! unavailable database
Author Alan McDonald
> Hi ,
> I am using Firebird + PHP, in WinXP with SP2,
> when I initiate an application where the following
> message(WARNING) exists the necessity of connection with the bank appears:
> Warning: ibase_connect(): unavailable database in H:\php\test.php
> on line 3
> Line 3 is :
> $conexao = ibase_connect("F:/db/test.fdb","SYSDBA","masterkey");
> The configurations are all OK. Through the IBEXPERT the
> connection this OK.
> It would be the FIREWALL of the WINXP?
> Help Help = (
> somebody can help?
> Thanks!!!
> Luiz

you need servername in the conection string
loaclhost:/f:/ etc
or servername:f:/ etc