Subject Re: [firebird-php] Installing GD2 lib on FC3 and PHP 4.3
Author Todd Cary
As I discovered the solution to my gd problem, I am trying to compile a
list of what I have learned and on the top of the list is that I have
learned that this forum has a lot of very patient people who are willing
to help even if presented with some questions that may not be complete
or come from one who does not have much knowledge of Linux. For this I
say "Thank you".

The solution? Go to
and download php-gd-4.3.11-2.6.i386.rpm!

Now that I have wasted a lot of your time as well as mine, is there a
rpm function that I could have used to "discover" the existence of this
package? In hindight, what would have been a better approach for me to use?


P.S. I would like to get Firebird installed in place of Interbase 6.01,
but that will be another thread.

Milan Babuskov wrote:

>Todd Cary wrote:
>>Well, I have run into a brick wall with the gd library. I downloaded
>>the png library, libpng-1.2.8-config.tar.gz
>Strange. I never expected library to have a word "config" in package. If
>you run RH or FC, you should be able to simply install .rpm package for
>it. It should be called libpng-devel.rpm or something similar.
>>I did a successful configuration and make
>And "make install" afterwards I suppose?
>>it is successful, however the make fails when it get to the png and
>>produces several pages of errors complaining of syntax errors in png.h.
>So my guess that there are various versions of png was correct. On all
>systems I have, png can be found in two locations. So, try using:
> these seem like a standard location for png library.

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