Subject Re: [firebird-php] PDO
Author Lester Caine
darren_pwrs wrote:

> Hi all. I'm pretty new to php and to this group so I hope you can all
> bear with me.
> I'm just started working with firebird and php together and wanted to
> know if any one has used PDO extention for PHP5? If not then can you
> let me know what extention I need to intall to work with Firebird? I'm
> using PHP5 and I tried enabling ;extension=php_interbase.dll but that
> didn't work so I've started using PDO.

And PDO is working?
PDO does not have all of the 'nice features' of php_interbase, so we
have not been bothering to even test it :(
So the question has to be - Why did php_interbase not work for you. I
use it in conjunction with ADOdb without a problem :)

> If any one knows of a good site for PDO that would be great to.

Since it has not even gone to a production release yet, there is very
little support, and unless someone fancies playing with it, the firebird
driver for it will not be developed much above the simple stuff!

Lester Caine
L.S.Caine Electronic Services