Subject RE: [firebird-php] Ibase_query -> specify transaction
Author Si Carter
> -----Original Message-----
> > Transactions must be completed on Commit, even if they only for
> > reading.
> > Read about that as assembling of garbage of versions works.
> > Rollbak follows to apply ONLY for the recoil of changes.
> Alan was talking about the default state of php. If you do
> not include any additional transaction starts, then you can
> commit/rollback the default one, and it will be 'restarted' as needed.

But if I ignore PHP's default transaction and specify a transaction that I
create/control for every query/execute etc then this is ok, yes/no?

TBH I seem to have most of what I wanted in terms of update select data done
now, I haven't used a middle tier object set as I would rather use the bare
api at the moment whilst I'm learning the language.

> I am finding that always including my own transaction seems a
> little more stable under heavy load - but I don't have any
> real results to prove that, just a 'gut feel'

I have always worked this way with delphi, I prefer to control the
transactions rather than relying on the global transaction.

Thanks for the help from everyone, I am starting to get a grip on PHP and
the little app that I am writing is almost complete :-)

Si Carter