Subject Re: [firebird-php] Ibase_query -> specify transaction
Author Lester Caine
Dmitry Kalugin wrote:

> Добрый день, Simon!
> Monday, June 13, 2005, 9:45:44 PM, вы писали:
> SC> Start connection.
Default r/w transaction started here by php

> SC> Start read only tran
> SC> Read a bunch of records
> SC> Start r/w tran
> SC> Update record
> SC> Commit r/w tran
> SC> Start r/w tran
> SC> Update record
> SC> Commit r/w tran
> Commit read only tran (!!!) //SC>Rollback read only tran
> SC> Close connection
Default r/w transaction closed here

> Transactions must be completed on Commit, even if they
> only for reading.
> Read about that as assembling of garbage of versions works.
> Rollbak follows to apply ONLY for the recoil of changes.
Alan was talking about the default state of php. If you do not include
any additional transaction starts, then you can commit/rollback the
default one, and it will be 'restarted' as needed.

I am finding that always including my own transaction seems a little
more stable under heavy load - but I don't have any real results to
prove that, just a 'gut feel'

Lester Caine
L.S.Caine Electronic Services