Subject Re: PHP 5.0.2/Firebird/Adodb pb with ibase_timefmt/fb 1.5.
Author Didier Gasser-Morlay

you're right, I was unsing by mistake an old copy of adodb. Did a
reinstall ... bingo!

Thanks a lot.

--- In, Lester Caine <lester@l...> wrote:
> Didier Gasser-Morlay wrote:
> > debug error (full path omited)/drivers/ line 241 -
> > Call to undefined function ibase_timefmt()
> What version of ADOdb?
> ibase_timefmt() has been dropped in PHP5 so you need a current copy to
> use the correct .ini functions.
> --
> Lester Caine
> -----------------------------
> L.S.Caine Electronic Services