Subject Re: Making PHP aware of Firebird
Author evanmorris777
Bugger. I *really* didn't want to have to recompile things :-) But,
having accepted that I have to, my second question remains. How do you
compile it when the Firebird installation is not on the same machine?
You have to point the configure to your Firebird path, but if there is
no Firebird path, what do you do? Do you pass it the IP of the machine
where Firebird is installed?

--- In, "Scott Taylor" <scott@d...> wrote:
> So the complete answer (Linux RPM world) would be:
> Get the PHP source from
> untar it:
> tar xvfz php-*.tar.gz
> cd to the untared base dir:
> cd php-4*
> compile it with ib support:
> ./configure --with-interbase=shared,/opt/interbase
> make
> cp the module to /usr/lib/php4:
> cp modules/ /usr/lib/php4
> Add the line:
> to the /etc/php.ini file in the Dynamic Extentions section
> Now it should just work.
> So close. Now I can run ibWebAdmin-0.91. I can create new database
> but it will not stay connected. I'm using Mozilla 1.4 on the
> localhost. Mozilla gives a popup saying the page contained no data.
> Anyone run across this problem before?
> Cheers.
> Scott.