Subject Making PHP aware of Firebird

I am new to the list, having seen the address on another list.

I have the following problem:

I have PHP working on a SuSE box under Apache, and I have Firebird installed
on a different SuSE box.

I want to make my PHP on box 1 aware of my Firebird on box 2. PHP is not
currently Firebird-enabled.

How do I do this? Do I have to reinstall PHP? Do I have to compile it? If I
compile it with the interbase option, where do I point it to, since the
Firebird installation is on a different machine? Also, do I have to make any
changes at the Apache level (something I do NOT want to do)?

And and all help/comments highly appreciated.


Evan Morris
+27 11 792 2777 (t)
+27 11 792 2711 (f)